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Nature Abhors a Vacuum (The Aielund Saga Book 1) Page 14

  A thin veil of fog drifted through the streets of Culdeny as the short winter's day began to wane and as they walked, Aiden brought Nellise up to speed on their investigation into the mysterious circumstances behind the earlier incursion under the church. The acolyte offered some interesting insights into the background of Ronald Bartlett.

  “Bartlett has been a fixture in Culdeny affairs for over a decade,” she informed them as they walked along the cobblestone streets. “I would characterise him as a man more invested in his own fortune than the prosperity of those around him. But to be somehow connected to an invasion of the town? I never would have guessed it.”

  “His public image could well be very different from his real character,” Aiden remarked. “You never know what someone is capable of, especially a man like Bartlett. In any case, the sergeant seemed like a pretty sharp woman, so I'm sure she can make a determination as to his involvement.”

  Once they arrived at the smithy, Nellise began talking to the proprietor about having some armour fitted, while Aiden spent a little money buying a larger arming sword to replace his smaller blade, then left the ladies to conduct their affairs as he headed back to the inn to put his feet up for the afternoon.

  The evening meal was pleasant enough at the Seaspray inn and for once, nobody bothered them at the table. The presence of Clavis and Colt probably had a lot to do with that, and the two seemed to be getting along pretty well. Aiden surmised the dwarf hadn't mentioned how Colt had been knocked down the previous night, but then again, one never knew how the big ranger would react to such news. He might even respect the tough dwarf for taking him down a notch.

  In any case, the evening passed quietly, and one by one, Aiden and the others turned in for the night.

  Light streamed in through the window shutters the next morning, and the sounds of the bustling town outside indicated it was well after sunrise. Pacian was still asleep in the bed across the small room, so if they were late, at least they were both going to be late.

  His gear checked and ready for travel, Aiden threw his pillow at Pacian on his way out the door, drawing a satisfying groan from beneath the blankets just before he closed the door.

  “I'm sorry about being late,” Aiden apologised as he approached the table in the common room downstairs. “I didn't sleep too well and I guess I - where's Colt?” Sayana, sipping on some broth, glanced meaningfully to her right. Aiden followed her gaze and saw the big ranger once again sprawled on the floor with a bunch of other unkempt men, sporting many bruises. Aiden shook his head in astonishment as he joined his companions at the table.

  They talked quietly amongst themselves for a while as Aiden ate a simple breakfast. Shortly after he'd finished eating Pacian appeared, carrying all his gear and apparently ready to go.

  A light but steady rain had settled in over Culdeny as they left the inn. Nellise joined them now clad in her new breastplate and sporting metal shoulder plates, forearm bracers, and gauntlets.

  “We gonna stand around yapping or get moving already?” Colt growled from deep inside the cowl on his cloak.

  “Are you sure you're up to it?” Aiden asked cautiously. “I wouldn't want you to bump into any trees or slow-moving deer on your way.”

  “I'll walk it off,” he growled back, not amused. Without further discussion, the group followed the bruised and hung-over ranger through the town towards the south gate.

  Aiden could see that Sergeant Ariel had stepped-up security. Nevertheless, Aiden and the others managed to exit the city without too many questions regarding the weaponry they were carrying, and why they were heading south.

  Their main concern was Colt's greatsword and Clavis’s elaborate looking heavy crossbow, the likes of which Aiden had never seen before. Once they were through the gate and on their way south, he took a moment to ask about the deadly looking weapon.

  “It's a repeater,” Clavis explained, hefting the crossbow so Aiden could inspect it. “This case holds ten bolts, which drop into place when I work the mechanism with this lever. Ye can crank out a lot of bolts in a short span.”

  “By how much exactly?”

  “Depends on how strong ya are,” he winked. They walked along the road at the casual pace set by their hung-over ranger. Every half an hour or so, they would stop for Colt to throw up in the bushes, slowing their progress even further. He probably would have preferred to be sleeping it off back at the inn, but seemed perfectly willing to keep going despite his condition.

  The weather remained cold and grey for the first half of the day, but after they turned off the main highway and started heading west, a light dusting of snow began to fall, bringing with it a strong, cold wind from the south. Aiden drew his longcoat around his body to ward off the chill and lamented that their stay at the Seaspray Inn was probably the last time he would feel truly warm for some time.

  After a brief stop for a cold lunch of bread and cheese, they continued on through the thickening forest until evening. The snow had formed a thin layer over the cold ground by then, but Colt was easily able to find dry wood to light a fire.

  It wasn't long before the five of them were sitting around the campfire, warming themselves against the cold. Nellise had the presence of mind to stock up on supplies before they left town, so they didn't have to hunt for food. Instead, she cooked up a hearty pork stew and toasted bread over the fire. They conversed idly while enjoying the hot meal, until Colt brought up an important topic.

  “We’re close to entering the Calespurs,” he grunted, eating slowly to make sure his stomach wasn't about to violently reject the heavy meal. “We’ll just be skirting along the northern edge, but that’s as close as I want to get. The place is patrolled by rangers and I don’t want to run into any.”

  “I was hoping to find out what got you kicked out,” Pacian said with an insincere smile.

  “None of your bloody business,” Colt growled back. “We’ll be past the forest in a day or two and then we’re into the mountains, and the we’ll see what we’ll see. I’m turning in, but I'll take the last watch 'cause I can't keep my eyes open anymore. I'm sure you can figure out the rest yourselves, just wake me when it's my turn.” Without anything further, Colt put down his bowl and lay on his bedroll, pulling a thick blanket over his head.

  “I'll go first,” Sayana said quietly as Clavis set up his bedroll close to the fire. “I'm not very tired anyway.”

  “Fair enough,” Nellise said. “Perhaps I should take second watch then?” Aiden shook his head.

  “You do so much for us already Nel. I'll take the second shift, you just get some rest.” Nellise smiled in appreciation, then threw another chunk of wood on the fire in preparation for the cold night ahead.

  A few hours later, Aiden was wrapped in a thick blanket and lying atop his bedroll, still awake. A cold breeze blew through the forest around them, creating a gentle sound that should have helped him rest, and yet sleep still eluded him. After a lot of tossing and turning, he gave up altogether and decided to relieve Sayana early. If he was going to be awake most of the night, he might as well make the best of it.

  Huddling within his longcoat, Aiden looked around for signs of Sayana, whose location was not immediately apparent. Although the light snowfall earlier that evening had ceased a while ago, the ground underfoot still crunched as Aiden walked.

  A spark of light in the gloom ahead caught his eye. Curious yet cautious, Aiden moved away from the camp to find out what it was.

  He moved in through the trees until he was close enough to make out what appeared to be a picture composed of light, hanging in the air. A glowing fingertip moved up and down the curious image, filling in colours on what appeared to be trees and hillsides. The dim light emitted by the vision illuminated Sayana, sitting with her back to a pine tree.

  It wasn't a detailed picture like the ones he saw Mayor Buchanan's office, depicting people and places with remarkable beauty. This was more like something a child would create with coloured chalks – primitive
trees, large blocks of green for the land, and odd looking buildings with triangle roofs.

  “I didn't know you were so creative,” Aiden whispered as he moved in for a closer look, startling the wild girl. “I'd feel better about this if you were actually paying attention to the forest, since you're the one on watch.”

  “I'm sorry, my mind wandered,” she apologised, casting a hand across the image hovering in the air before her, causing it to vanish. They were plunged into darkness for a moment, until a tiny candle of flame appeared above Sayana's upturned palm. “I was only doing that for a few minutes, I swear.”

  “Don't worry about it,” Aiden said dismissively. “Despite what Colt said earlier, we appear to be fairly safe for the time being. What you were doing just now was quite astonishing actually, I'm rather impressed.”

  “It's a simple illusion,” she shrugged, standing up and dusting snow off of her leather trousers. “I used to do it all the time when I was little, but in the past few years I didn't really have the strength to waste on something so impractical.” Aiden nodded in understanding, remembering the condition she was in when they first encountered her.

  “I was wondering if I could ask you something personal,” he began hesitantly. “I noticed your ears yesterday, and...”

  “You were wondering about my heritage,” she finished for him. “I think the answer is obvious, and I would ask you not to mention it to anyone else, Aiden. There are people who do not like the idea of interracial couples.”

  “Rest assured, I won’t tell anyone,” he replied earnestly. “Just tell me, was it your mother or father who was elven?”

  “My mother,” she explained softly. “My father is one of the akora, the tribal people living in the southern mountains of this land.”

  “I had guessed one of your parents was,” Aiden confirmed softly. “But I have no idea how two such diverse people could have met.”

  “Nor do I,” she whispered. “I have few memories of my parents, but I do know that it was my mother who had the talent for sorcery. I believe I inherited my powers from her, though it is just that, a belief.”

  “I understand the akorans don’t tolerate sorcery amongst their people,” Aiden said uncomfortably. “I find it fascinating they accepted her into their society.” Sayana didn't reply immediately. When she did, her voice was shaky.

  “They didn't. My shift is at an end, Aiden, and I am tired. I must go and rest, please take over.” Before he could apologise, Sayana rushed past him and headed for the camp. Aiden silently cursed himself for touching upon an apparently emotional subject.

  He settled into his shift easily, taking the time to wander around the camp perimeter as he looked for any threats. As he suggested to Sayana earlier, it was a quiet night and he saw nothing of interest.

  When the time came for Aiden to get some rest, he quietly roused Nellise from her sleep before lying down on his bedroll once more. This time, he had no trouble drifting off, with the soothing sounds of the wind sighing through the trees.

  * * *

  His dreams were especially vivid that night, as he once more lived through that fateful day in his past as if it were absolutely real. A sudden blow on his chin stunned Aiden as he crashed down the hole in the forest in Cairnwood. Bewildered and smarting from half a dozen scrapes and bruises, Aiden struggled to clear his head, trying to figure out what had just happened. The daylight had disappeared, except for a small shaft that came from above to pierce the darkness around him.

  Pacian eventually went for help, leaving Aiden to spend a considerable amount of time down in the hole. Aside from the light streaming in from above, there was only blackness, but in the deepening gloom before him, he thought he saw something shining in the dark. Curiosity getting the better of him, he crept forward to try to see the faint light more clearly.

  Avoiding the worst of the sharp rocks, Aiden reached the source of the dim blue light. Slowly, he moved his right hand close to the light, and felt around to try and figure out what the object was. It was round, cold and hard, which did very little to enlighten him. But the instant both fingers touched it, his world changed.

  The darkness of the cave was replaced with the near-blinding light of midday, dazing Aiden as he squinted against the sudden brightness. Gaping in astonishment, he found himself crouched upon a snowy plateau with majestic peaks looming around him.

  He stood amidst a battle, surrounded by armoured men wearing the gold dragon tabard of the Kingdom clashing against hooded and robed warriors, with signs of steel armour hidden beneath their garb. The fallen from both sides of the battle littered the landscape, and the ringing of steel and the cries of the combatants echoed across the land.

  His mind struggled to comprehend what had happened to him when one of the Kingdom soldiers suddenly ran through him, appearing out of his chest as though he were a ghost. Sayana stood to his left, looking just as shocked as he was. Her right hand was touching the glowing sphere in Aiden's hand, but she was too stunned by the vision to move.

  She tugged at Aiden's sleeve with her free hand, drawing his attention. Her mouth was moving, yet no words came out. She pulled on his arm, trying to drag him backwards, but his feet were stuck fast.

  Aiden's attention was caught by one man who stood on the wall of the fort, dressed in shining, gold-trimmed armour, and appeared to be in command of the Kingdom forces. He pointed across the field in warning, and as if on cue, the ground started to shake from what seemed to be a minor earthquake. Aiden felt all this as if he were standing right there amongst it all, but the soldiers around him paid him no heed.

  The ground shook with greater intensity until the head of some armoured creature appeared, revealing more of its body as it closed the distance. It was easily over twelve feet in height, with shoulders eight feet across and completely encased in ornate armour. It gleamed with the appearance of burnished steel, and the face etched onto the front of the helmet was forged into an expression of haughty superiority.

  It was joined by another, and another of the massive creatures, and a cry of despair arose from the defending soldiers. Sayana grabbed Aiden's attention once more, turning him toward her and practically shouting in his face. As before, no sounds came from her mouth, and a look of frustration appeared on her fine features. She was trying to pry her right hand off of the glowing sphere, but it refused to budge. Looking around desperately for something to help, Sayana resigned herself to watching the battle before them and slumped against Aiden's side.

  After long minutes of untold bloodshed, only the black warrior remained to defend the castle, and he faced off against the last of the armoured creatures alone. This one was different to the others though – shorter by two feet and wielding a huge sword in one hand, the edge of the blade rippling with light. They came together in a devastating dance of savagery, sparks flying from their weapons and armour as each combatant sought an advantage over the other.

  A shadow grew over the battlefield as something immense obscured the sun. Aiden squinted against the light to see what was happening, and was staggered by the appearance of a creature straight from legend. An immense gold dragon was descending onto the battlefield, its wingspan easily over a hundred feet.

  Talons the size of a man dug into the ground as it crashed to the surface behind the black warrior and its tail swept over the battlements of the fort. Its fine scales gleamed in the cold light, the majestic creature both immensely beautiful and terrifying beyond measure. Sayana gaped at the sight of the great creature and trembling like a leaf, she moved behind Aiden as far as she could.

  Then, unexpectedly, the dragon turned its great head to look directly at her, eyes narrowed and steam issuing from its nostrils. Sayana's mouth opened wide in a silent scream, her left hand held up before her to create a translucent shield that seemed familiar to Aiden. The dragon bellowed a mighty roar towards them and a flash of white light engulfed the battlefield as a blast of wind sucked Aiden and Sayana off their feet. Reflexively, he reached out
his hands to stop the fall and dropped the glowing orb, shattering it upon the ground of the cave.

  Aiden sat bolt upright, throwing off his blanket and gasping for breath. The forest of the Calespur ranges surrounded their camp and the grey light of pre-dawn tinged the sky. The others were sleeping around the remains of the fire, but Sayana was sitting next to him, her right hand still holding the shard hanging around his neck and a look of horror stamped on her face. Snapping out of the trance she appeared to be in, she let go of the shard as her body went limp and collapsed to the ground.

  Aiden shook his head to try and clear out the nightmare from his mind as he tried futilely to understand what had just happened. Sayana gestured weakly with her left hand for him to lean closer. Still shaking, he got close enough to hear her whisper something in his ear before she passed out.

  “Aiden, that was no dream.”

  * * *

  It was well past noon before Aiden managed to shake the horrible feeling left by the dream. Sayana's presence had not seemed usual while in the midst of it, but now, fully awake, he was astonished at the thought she had somehow managed to be present in his nightmare.

  'That was no dream' she had said – the words haunted him, and he wanted nothing more than to get some answers. Unfortunately, her remarkable feat had left the sorceress severely weakened, to the point that he had to wait a full hour before she regained consciousness.

  The others remained unaware of what had transpired during the night. Even though she had been trying to shout and scream within the vision, evidently Sayana had been silent in the real world.

  She had said nothing at all upon waking and remained quiet throughout the morning. Nellise had expressed concern that Sayana was looking very tired, and surmised the late night on watch had been harder on her than she had thought. Nellise forbade her to take any watches for the next few nights, which did not meet any protest from the sorceress. Colt figured she was still just a weak little girl and paid her no further heed, but Pacian poked Aiden relentlessly, assuming something was going on between him and Sayana.